lounging on the gritty hot stone pool edge
casual fingers push ripples across
the surface where watery eyes
meet and consider each other
in reflection he explores his face
pores over himself first
lowering his brows
testing out the look
of a brash schoolboy
then rolling out the lips
drawing in the cheeks
trying on mother’s
heavy lidded silky night glamour
turning to let shade fall
in the cups at his collar
the sun shines along his cheekbone
forming a face for portrait
looking at his own soft sculpted skin
as an image before him
he remembers a younger
day by the water
he remembers the feeling
fear of submersion
the turning urgent knowledge of
airless time
a fleet calm bewilderment
then sudden hands pulling against
the dragging water
speaking unknown words
through his drowned rattling ears
blinking sharp coughing surfacing from
this thought he returns
to the present picture
who sits and stares up
the wavering beauty in the pool admires
its full body above