Sam the Squid by Rimika Solloway

‘The problem with you is you don’t do anything.’ A man’s disembodied voice cuts in through the doorway. The comment lands with a thud on the threadbare carpet. Sam sits inertly on an orange upholstered couch dreading each passing moment, while dust motes dance in a...

Two Paths Diverge in a Cemetery by Lily Bland

Two paths diverge in a cemetery.  One slopes down to the cafe, and a thinner, dustier path heads upwards, deeper into the cemetery. Feeling lonely and wanting, perhaps even needing, to delve deeper into that feeling, I isolate myself from the dog walkers, the couples...

Midnight Call by Safiya Cherfi

A heart beating in time with a clock. His own heart. The clock, the one with the classic black-and-white hexagons of a football and the crest of Liverpool FC in gold. The light from the lamppost outside slips through the gap in his curtains, illuminating the clock....

Transhumance by Andrew F. Giles

The herd lit up like bulbs, illuminating the dark mountainside – beast by beast picked out by the colossal sun burning through the morning fog. Close up, the metal ring through the little bull’s nose glinted. A stunted oak, hung with galls, stooped a few metres from...

Snow Globe by Sapphire Allard

My grandma Alice is staring into a snow globe. I have shown her how to shake it so the snow falls over the pastoral landscape many times before. Sometimes she remembers, and sometimes she does not. Rosie, her great-granddaughter, my four-year-old niece, is watching...

Across the Ocean by Yuqing Weng

—2022 London—   ‘I’m probably half Chinese, which means you’re one-fourth. You should know. Sorry I haven’t told you before.’ Irene’s father squeezed her hand hard when he uttered these words, as if he’d gathered his last ounce of strength to do so. Irene sat by...

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