The Same Havoc


The Same Havoc is an anthology of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork exploring the theme of “home.” Startlingly prescient in these times, the voices in this collection invite you to consider a multitude of homes: from places to people; from safety and nostalgia to discomfort and fear; prying into the notion of belonging and self-making with an intensity that brings moments of comedy, grief, vulnerability, and the strength and bravery needed to make safety for ourselves and for the ones we love.

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Nick Askew, Lola Gaztañaga Baggen, Sofia Ballesteros, Kirsteen Bell, Ruth Bradshaw, Sasha Saben Callaghan, Jennifer Dickinson, Luciana Erregue-Sacchi, Mariann Evans, Jude Gray, Toonika Guha, Claire Hinchliffe, Alexis Keir, Milagros Lasarte, Wes Lee, Quinn Lui, Melanie Maclennan, Ethel Maqeda, Juliette F. Martin, Jan McCarthy, Becca McGilloway, Sasha R. Moghimi-Kian, Christopher Moore, Vina Nguyen, Charlotte Pain, Nathan Pascu, Ely Percy, Charlotte Rattray, Stan Reed, Aimée Rogers, Lucy Rose, Shivani Sekar, Judith Skillman, Susan Taylor, John Tinneny, Lydia Unsworth, Marjorie Waterman, and Alexandra Ye.

Cover art by Alice Pain.

Additional information


Published: May 15, 2020
Language: English
ISBN: 9780463198254



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